Black Orchid Coffee
Black Orchid Coffee
Central Highlands Vietnamese Blend – 12 Ounces/ 340 grams
Roast Type: Dark Roast
Flavor Bouquet: Caramel, Creamy, Nutty, and Woodsy
Growing Region: Dat Lat, Vietnam (Iam Dong Province)
Black Orchid Coffee's signature blend, the Central Highland Vietnamese Coffee Blend is a dark roast coffee has a smooth, robust, and elegant taste with undertones of caramel and chocolate flavors. It is described has mellow yet bold, with no characteristics of bitterness. The secret to this Vietnamese Coffee is the cool, lush mountain region it is grown in. Known for its cool nights, warm humid days and rich soil composition. It is created with a special proprietary blend of three beans: Arabica, Robusta and Peaberry. By blending these three complementary beans together and roasting them at the perfect temperature, a strong bouquet of flavors develop that opens up the palate and other senses to euphoria.
When it was first tested by us in our travels to Vietnam, we were left speechless and feeling Zen in it's overall balance. We know that our Central Highland Vietnamese Coffee Blend will be as special to you as it its to us.